Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I play a mean Wack the Mole! I push the kids outta my way to get to it!|||Yup! I still do.|||nope|||ha! sounds fun!

ps- love ur name! my middle name is june- been called june bug all my life!|||lol. no.|||Hellllllllllllllllll no!|||at 45, I still love it....but I found an even more awesome place called Tex Rex...woooooooohooooooo I loved it!|||As long as the kegs are full.|||I've always hated that place.|||god i HATE that place....the pizza has gone to crap|||Wow. I haven't been there in years. We had some good times there!|||hell to the no|||no|||I haven't been there for a while but I wanna go there again for the last time.|||no i do not go to Chucky Cheese|||ive never been XP
sounds fun though|||***blushing***
So glad I have a son still young enough to want to go there...I might give you some good competition at the Mole game!! LOL!! I am also pretty hot at the skeet-ball thingy...|||I haven't been there since I was 10. But now that I'm a mother I probably will start again.|||That place is Birth Control!|||I like skeeball...|||nope|||I don't know if like is the word.
Take a look at one of my previous answers and judge for yourself
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?…|||Lets go, I love pizza!|||I used to manage a few Chuck E's. They don't pay well, their games are junk, and they get mad if a non-technician that knows how to fix something actually fixes anything that breaks. They want managers to be statues on the wall.

Wack a Mole was fun, but Wack Chuck was more fun

Morg|||Are you kidding?!?! I LOVE CHUCKY CHEESE!!!

I still love the mole too, lol.


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