Friday, February 24, 2012

Activity Center (like a Chucky cheese but for teenagers)

Please give a reason not just an opinion|||You should open an adult film and sex toy store. You will make quite a large sum of cash|||be a pimp (fast money)|||restaurant because personally i think it's fun to have restaurants and wait people :)|||If you don't know what kind of business you'd like to open, then do not, under any circumstances, open a business. It will fail.

The reason why is that running a business is an incredible amount of effort. Successful business owners are successful because they enjoy operating in the industry their business is in. If you need someone else to tell you what you like, then you seriously aren't going to cut it as an entrepreneur and should work for someone else who can tell you what you like and don't like to do. I would suggest Arby's.|||a strip club|||you could combine a restaurant and bar together...but i could choose one i would say restaurant|||Grow money trees ' you will be rich .


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