Friday, February 3, 2012

I mean.. she said she likes pizza so....

and i only have 7 bucks.

We're 22 so it wont look too sad will it?|||No Not romantic at all.
with 7 dollars and a few supplies from you house
Make a dinner from your 7 dollars and your kitchen
and Candles
and a movies
Valentines day is suppose to be special :]|||Do not take her there, what ever you do..she will know that she is a cheap date.
This is what you do:
Just because she likes pizza- doesn't mean that is the only thing she eats! make luch for you too, and go for a hike- or to the park!|||Do not take her there... For $5, get a medium sized pizza from Dominos or Pizza Hut and have a nice dinner at your house.|||Its cute if she likes chucky cheese but 7 bucks isnt gonna cover tokens at chucky cheese its expensive n the pizza isnt that great there at least everytime ive gone. But its really original I would call and ask about prices before you decide (= happy V-day


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